Thursday, August 26, 2010

A priceless photo

Well I took Judith up on her offer and went back to visit the Principal of Heythrop College. The Principal is the chief executive and the chief academic officer of a university or college in certain parts of the Commonwealth.

I was able to sit and chat with Dr. John McDade, who is also a Jesuit priest, for approximately 30 minutes this morning. He has been in his position for 11 years and his 12th year will be his last. We discussed the purpose of my visit, the latest news from LMU and Los Angeles, getting the word out about Heythrop and a little bit about good Scottish whiskey!

It was truly a pleasure to meet him and I was glad he was able to take some time out of his day to greet me.   The photo below will be taken home and shared with LMU. 

The afternoon at Goldsmiths brought a baby shower for one of the staff members in the office.  She is allowed 1 year off of work - jealous!!  I was also happy to be at my desk when both Vanessa and Caroline secured 3 new pieces of business - one of them being quite a large overnight conference for 2011.   A great day in the Conferences office.

Dr. McDade and I outside of Heythrop

Vanessa and I at our desks in the office.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Trish,

    I'm still in full operation with my summer season, but I'm finally taking a moment to post a comment! What an incredibly rewarding and productive exchange you are having, and thank you for posting and sharing all your insight during your visit in this blog! I am definitely living vacariously through you these days, trying to enjoy my visit to the U.K. as much as you seem to be -- even though I'm really 2-1/2 weeks away from closing my summer. I love hearing about all the similarities between U.K. Summer Conferences and U.S. Summer Conferences! Our worlds are not at all far apart. Please give my best and very warm regards to Vanessa!
